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Furuno BBW-GPS WAAS/GPS Receiver

Product Description
Furuno Furuno's BBWGPS WAAS/GPS Receiver Antenna makes any NavNet product capable of receiving WAAS and GPS information. Now there is no need to have a separate unit to get your WAAS/GPS fix. This WAAS/GPS Receiver Antenna has everything you need built-in, and it delivers accuracy better then 3 meters by decoding GPS correction signals from the WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System).
In addition to its WAAS capability, the antenna has a compact 12-channel GPS Receiver that provides accurate and reliable position fixing. Simply connect the antenna to any NavNet display and you can display WAAS/GPS information on one display or the entire NavNet network.
Standard Features - WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) Receiver
- 12 Channel, All-in-View Parallel Tracking GPS Receiver
- Up to 900 Knot Tracking Velocity
- 90 Second Cold Start Acquisition, 20 Second Warm State Acquisition
- 3M Accuracy or higher (95% of the time, SA off)
- WAAS On/Off Selectable *
Shipping Information Power Requirements Notes - *For more information on WAAS, please check the USCG Navigational Center web site: